Top 5 Qualities People Need to Look for in a Roommate

At some point in your life, you may find yourself looking for a roommate. Finding the perfect roommate can be difficult and overwhelming, but you don't want to overlook this process as it is important to make sure that you are choosing someone who has the qualities that will work well with yours. The following blog post talks about what qualities people need to look for in their roommates.

The top 5 most popular qualities to look for when searching for a roommate are: being respectful, responsible, honest, clean and neat (or at least willing to clean), and friendly. This article goes on to discuss each of these five traits in detail so that readers know what they're getting into before making a final decision on their roommate!

Being Respectful

Being respectful is key when it comes to living with someone else. This means that you should never enter their bedroom without knocking first or invade their personal space. It is also important to be aware of the need for quiet time and not to blast your music or have loud conversations late at night. If you are having guests over, always discuss this with your roommate beforehand.

If you are both going to have guests over on the same night, make sure that one of you has a plan for where they will be sleeping so as not to infringe upon each other's privacy.

When it comes to roommate conflict, always talk about the issue at hand and try to come up with a solution together. Do not argue or fight with your roommate, but rather work towards a calm and respectful solution.

Being Responsible

One of the most important qualities for a roommate is responsibility. This means being on time with rent and utilities, taking care of your messes, and respecting your roommate's property. It is also helpful if you can work together to complete tasks such as grocery shopping, cleaning, and laundry.

If you see that your roommate is struggling with being responsible, talk to them about it calmly and respectfully. Let them know that you are there to help them out but also be clear about the consequences if they do not start taking responsibility for their actions.

Being Honest

Honesty is another quality to look for in a roommate. This means being upfront about your budget, what you can and cannot tolerate in terms of noise or lifestyle choices, and any pets that you may have. It is also important to be truthful about why you are looking for a roommate, such as needing an affordable place to live while you are studying at university.

If your roommate is wondering why they should be honest with you, the best way to put this into perspective is by explaining that it will not only help them find someone who has similar interests and lifestyles but also ensure that there are no surprises.

Being Clean and Neat

One of the most important, but often overlooked, qualities of a good roommate is cleanliness. This means keeping your shared living space tidy and free from clutter as well as taking care of your messes. It is important to include your roommate in weekly cleaning tasks and have a schedule that everyone agrees with. You don't want to be the person who is always making your roommate feel uncomfortable by being messy.

How often should you clean?

That depends on the tasks. Some things like dusting and vacuuming may be done only weekly, while cleaning the fridge and scrubbing the toilets may need to be scheduled less often. You’re going to need some give and take for this stage, but you can come up with scheduling that is agreeable to everyone.

Being Friendly

Another quality of a good roommate is friendliness. This means being willing to help out your roommate when they need it, whether that's with a ride to the airport or lending them a cooking pan. It also means understanding each other's lifestyles so that one roommate doesn't feel like the other roommate is invading their privacy.

Being friendly also means being able to communicate with your roommate in a way that works for both of you. If you are sharing a living space, this should be an open relationship where issues can be brought up and resolved peacefully rather than creating tension between roommates!

on the other hand, your potential roommate does not have to be your best friend, though it always helps to have a roommate who is friendly and easygoing.

The important thing is to make sure that the qualities to look for in a roommate you are looking for match the roommate qualities you have. If they don’t, it may be difficult to live harmoniously together!


Those are the 5 qualities to look for in a roommate you need to consider if you're looking for a new place to live. By being mindful of the five qualities discussed in this article, you'll be able to find someone who will be a compatible and respectful roommate!

By Pierre Biver

Pierre is a Frenchman, software engineer and founder of Goroom. When moving in Copenhagen in 2018, he quickly became frustrated with the state of the current housing market and decided to create a free to use and fair alternative called Goroom.


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